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Continuing an Ancient Tradition

This is The Family Eri (Family Thread)

This is The Family Eri (Family Thread)

This website is meant to carry on the West African tradition of the Griot (pronounced gree-o)…the storyteller. One of the many attributes of the Griot is to share family history. We all have a story and we all contribute to the history of our family. This is a way to share that history in a personal way for those to see and understand for generations to come.

Eri is Igbo (Nigerian) for thread. When creating a name for this site, I thought it appropriate to reach back to my own roots to a language I might be speaking today were it not for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

What does this site mean for you? For us? It’s an opportunity to share your story. To literally hear the words from your mouth. To know your life experience from your own personal and unique perspective.

The Family Eri is also a way for us to communicate with each other, to know each other…to celebrate each other.

Welcome to The Family Eri.

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